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It's no longer news the extent to which most impatient Nigerians go to chase money. Some engaged in money rituals, robbery,kidnapping and most prominent : Cyber fraud. These method of making money are not only crude,they also depict moral degradation and increases the security spending of the Government. The society is not even helping matters when rather than condemn the satanic acts through which young Nigerians make money they adore and even worship them. Our religious leaders who are suppose to be accusation of morals are not left out as they even go arms length in given religious positions to crimnals pn the ground that it wpuld grow their tithe base on the long,some could even offer to prepare spiritual protections to these illegal money markers.
Sometimes I wonder how cyber fraudsters would feel when they lose their money to scammers too. If the feeling will be frustrating as expected,then they must learn to steer clear from scamming others of their hard earned money.
However, as the saying goes, "everyday for the theif,one day for the owner" ,when these fraudsters are finally caught by the law you see them blaming their actions on the devil when they have being the devils incarnate all along.
Cyber crime is evil and I advise the lawmakers to ascribe capital punishment to it,making those found guilty to be sentence to death. This is the best way to curtail the spread of cyber crime disease trending round Nigeria.
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