-Ekhator Brain Osamudiamen ( undergrad Economics,AAU,Ekpoma)
It is no longer news that sharp recession has hit the Nigeria's economy and with a whooping 18.3% inflation rate if adequate measures are not taken, Nigeria may soon find herself swimming with Venezuala. A country with over 70 million active labour force ,it is quite saddening that despite this number we still source for foreign expatriate s leaving a larger part of our active labor force unemployed, this results to capital flights.The government have to brace up to recognize that the only way to reduce excess capital flights to expatriate countries is the development of indigenous human capital with the required skills that match up with global expectations. In order to achieve this, the curriculum of science students needs to be reviewed and room created for practicals rather than the stereotype theoretical syllabus. On the long-run this would grow our technical know required by the industrial or manufacturing sector.This would lead to gainful employment and a reduction in capital flights therefore assisting in Naira revaluation since demand for dollar services has reduced......To be
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